Journalism I
Audio Slideshow Project
Preparing your file structure
You will want a folder to keep your audio slideshow project. On your Desktop, go to File, then New Folder. Name your folder: J1-Project, where the word Project is something specific to your audio slideshow, such as J1-6thGradeCamp.
Double click on your J1-Project folder, then go to File, New Folder again.
-Name this folder: Audio.
In your J1-Project folder again, go to File, New Folder.
-Name this folder: Images. You will use this folder to store the photos you plan to use in your slideshow.
Importing the Files
1. Plug in iPod. Ignore iTunes if it opens automatically. (Minimize it and/or get it out of your way.)
2. Locate the iPod icon on the Desktop and open it. Locate the Recordings folder. It should have your audio clips inside.
3. Locate your Audio = folder inside your J1-Project folder. Drag the audio files in the Recordings folder into your Audio folder.
4. Disconnect the iPod. Before returning it to Ms. Hemmerly, please delete all the audio files off the device. (Doublecheck that your audio files transferred over correctly before you do this. If they didn’t transfer correctly, once you delete them off the iPod, they’re gone. :-o )
1. Import photos from your camera or another device using iPhoto. Ask if you need help.
Preparing the Photos
You will want to modify your photos to be the best they can be if they are not already “perfect” right out of the camera (which is relatively rare, particularly for every photo you took).
1. In iPhoto, use the Enhance tool (easy, but imprecise) or the Adjust tool (more precise, but more difficult) to alter your photos as needed.
-You may lighten or darken photos and/or get rid of red eye, but please do not modify the content of the photos in any way.
2. In iPhoto, crop your photos keeping in mind the CVI and the compositional elements we discussed in class. Don’t overcrop an image, as it will appear pixilated in the slideshow in “full screen” mode.
Preparing the Audio
You will want to separate your audio files into individual clips (if you did not record them that way). Even if you did record your files as individual clips, you will probably want to edit out certain parts of the clips. You may also want to edit out certain ambient sounds in some of your interview clips.
You will now want to import the files in your Audio folder in GarageBand.
1. Open GarageBand. It should be an application on your dock. If not, do a Spotlight search (upper right corner of screen).
2. In GarageBand, drag the files in your Audio folder into GarageBand, one by one. Each file should be listed in its own track.
3. Listen to your audio clip(s) and decide how many pieces of the clip you would like to keep and approximately where they are located.
4. In the audio clip’s timeline, place the Playhead where you would like to start a clip. Go to Edit, Split (Command+T). This will separate the clip into two segments. Continue separating larger clips into smaller clips that you can move around at will.
-GarageBand has unlimited Undos as long as you don’t Save.
5. Move your smaller clips around on the timeline you’ve created.
-I recommend creating a minimum of four timelines, one each for Voiceovers, Interviews, Ambient and Natural Sounds.
6. Save your work at the end of each session.
Preparing the Audio Slideshow
You will want to create a new file that will format both your images and your audio for the slideshow. We will use Soundslides to do this.
Exporting your final audio file*
*Export your audio file only when you feel it is PERFECT!
1. Open GarageBand. Go to Share, then Export …
-In the dialog box that appears:
-Choose “MP3 Encoder” for your Compression (not “AAC Encoder”)
-Choose “Higher Quality” for your Audio Settings
2. Save the mp3 file into your J1-Project folder on your desktop, naming it something relevant.
Exporting your final image files*
*Export your image files only after you’ve done all cropping and enhancements to the photos.
1. Open iPhoto. Locate the Event in which you’ve saved your image files for your slideshow.
2. Select all the images you want to use in your slideshow. Select multiple photos at once by holding down the Command key.
-You want to use roughly 10 images per minute, or roughly one image every six seconds.
-For a 3-4 minute slideshow, you should select roughly 30-40 images.
3. Go to File, Export.
-In the dialog box that appears:
-Choose JPEG for Kind
-Choose Maximum for JPEG Quality
-Click the Export button
-Navigate to your J1-Project folder, then the Images folder
-Click OK
Importing your audio and image files into Soundslides
1. Open Soundslides.
a. Click "Later" if it asks you for registration information.
b. Click "Create New Project", then name the project something specific to your photos
-"sept_sports" for sports photos taken in September, or "homecoming_2009", etc. (USE NO SPACES!)
-save the new project on your desktop
c. On the next screen, choose "Small-blog embed" and check the "Full-screen enabled" box on the left.
d. Click the JPG button, then select the images folder you created in Step 1 (it should be on your desktop) and click Open. The program should then begin uploading your photos.
e. Click the SND button, then select the mp3 file you exported from GarageBand (it should be in your J1_Project folder) and click Open. The program should then begin uploading your audio.
f. Write the cutlines (captions) for your photos, format the slideshow template as the photo editor has decided (so all the slideshows have the same "look" throughout the website), enter your project info, then press save.
g. Click Export.
1. In the screen that pops up, highlight the folder that says "publish_to_web" and rename it with the same name as your project folder (from step b above) USE NO SPACES!
2. Transfer file for upload to website.
a. Connect to the Journalism server. (Ask Ms. Hemmerly for help if you've not done this before.)
b. Locate the folder you renamed from step 1g1 (the blue step) and transfer it to the +audio slideshows folder.
1. Hemmerly will upload this folder to the arlingtonian website for you.
3. Login to using the Log In link at the bottom of the webpage. Then click on Posts in the upper lefthand corner of the admin screen. In the dropdown box that appears beneath Posts, click Add New.
4. On the “Add New Post” page, complete the following tasks for formatting the page:
a. Write a headline that is a complete sentence (with a tensed verb).
b. Write a byline in the story area. Italicize the byline.
5. On the “Add New Post” page, complete the following tasks for inserting the audio slideshow into your page:
a. upload your slideshow to the website using the red Flash button. Your file name will be "". (copy and paste this in without the quotes!)
-After pasting this into the dialog box, highlight yourfolder and type in the real name of your folder.
b. Change your width should be 500 pixels; your height should be 400 pixels.
c. Click the "more" blue link and locate the "allowfullscreen" drop down menu: Choose "True" here.
d. Click "Generate" at the bottom of the dialog box. The web code for your slideshow should appear in the box where your "story" will appear. If you would like to check that it appears correctly, click the Preview button to see how your slideshow will appear. (WOOT!)
6. Post Tags (on the right side of the "Add New Post" page)
a. Write a few tags for your slideshow. (For a slideshow on Giant Eagle lunch food, you might enter "lunch, Giant Eagle")
b. Be sure to separate each tag with a comma, and be sure to click the "Add" button to save your tags.
7. Categories (on the right side of the "Add New Post" page)
a. Unclick the Uncategorized button
b. Click the Multimedia button, the Slideshows button, AND any other button that is relevant.
8. Busy Bee Custom Settings (near the bottom of the "Add New Post" page)
a. Copy and paste one of the following web addresses into the "Image" field:
-Feature Story:
-Sports Story:
b. Click the Save button.
9. Publish (near the top right side of the "Add New Post" page)
a. Click the Publish button.
b. Click the Preview button to make sure your audio slideshow appears correctly.
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