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Why wiki? You can use this wiki page to coordinate your learning with other journalism students, benefiting from the insights and contributions of others. Why wiki? Why not?!
An Overview of Web 2.0—Watch It!
How do the ideas in the video affect the world of journalism? How do they affect you as a person in the 21st Century?
How to create a new page in this wiki (2 ways)
1. Use CamelCase. You can type a word with SeveralCapitalLetters (or even type NewPage), which will automatically create a link to that page! A dashed underline means the page doesn't exist yet.
2. Use [brackets]. You can put [brackets] around any word to create a new page. For example, if you wanted a page named cars, you could just type [cars].
Journalism teacher Carol Hemmerly is the author of the UA Journalism Wiki. She has taught journalism at UAHS since 1999, and has advised all three of the school's student publications. She currently advises Arlingtonian and Norwester, the student-produced newsmagazine and yearbook, respectively.
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